The design team at Dellichord.

Andrew Hutchison – Andrew has made HiFi his life with a career spanning 40+ years. Andrew has imported, distributed and retailed high end brands, and is a qualified electronics technician. An on-again, off-again love affair with loudspeaker design has peaked with the creation of Dellichord. Over 40 years many strong and wonderful relationships have been born with highly regarded designers across the globe. These include Brad Serhan (who has consulted on the crossover design of the new Dellichord FR35). Many conversations with Terry Miles designer, formerly of Spendor and now Harbeth, and time spent swapping audio tales with the likes of Tim De Paravicini from EAR Yoshino and Graeme Bridges formerly of ProAc and now working at Falcon Acoustics. These sometimes quite informal chats can really help when weighing up one solution against another. Andrew is inspired by the insights of these great names in design. 45 years of listening and being intrigued by classics such as the LS3/5a; KEF transmissions lines; Chartwells; Rogers; IMF and Spendor has fused to create the Dellichord sound. Andrew likes to describe the Dellichord sound as “new tech, old school BBC with a sprinkle of modern Linn (isobaric) thrown in”.

andrew hutchison dellichord designer
Andrew Hutchison

In between bouts of audio related design, Andrew has ventured into other areas of engineering. The Tripod 1, three-wheeled car was born from the strong desire for a super lightweight sportscar and a love of motorcycles melded together. A dozen years of design, development and manufacturing led to more than 20, Tripod 1 build kits being sold and more than half a dozen factory-built cars are spread across Australia and the USA. Valuable lessons learned while designing these vehicles have been applied to Dellichord and its product line.

The Tri Pod 1 three wheeler.

Brad Serhan – Brad Serhan has assisted with crossover and acoustical development of the new Dellichord FR35. He is perhaps best known for a long line of incredibly natural sounding, high performance loudspeakers under the Orpheus brand, a company he started in 1984. His day job now is as one half of the brilliant Serhan and Swift team. The stunning Mu2 mini monitor and the Mu3 floorstander are perhaps some of the most highly rated loudspeakers to ever be produced in this country. Brad has won many awards and high praise including a lifetime achievement award. He is surely Australia’s most prolific and highly regarded high fidelity loudspeaker designer over the last 40 years.

Brad Serhan